Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Works for Me Wednesday

I've been looking at these posts for a while and finally, finally I have a WFM to post. It's really simple.

Freezing Cookie Dough. I make a ton of cookies every year, I give a lot of them away, my husband takes some in to work as well, and to make things easier, I start making cookie dough around Halloween so that I have at least half of all the cookie dough made by Thanksgiving. Then, I just spend the weekend baking cookies, it makes it so much easier than making the dough and baking, I can bake double the amount of cookies in a day if I don't have to make the dough to.

This is what works for me, check out what works for others over here.

1 comment:

Mom2fur said...

I do that, too! It really does make it easier.
One great tip I learned years ago involves those rolled-out cookie cutter sugar cookies. Instead of freezing the dough in a ball, press it flat inside a plastic zipper bag. When you are ready to use it, it's already pretty flat so rolling it is that much easier!