Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Met Kid Jedi's Teacher

Today was the Kindergarten Meet and Greet at our preschool I'd love to post pics of Kid Jedi with his teacher, but I forgot to take them. This is him getting ready to go.

This is him in his seat, which will probably be moved.

The reason it will probably be moved, is that in the 1 hour that he was in his classroom for his Meet and Greet, he decided at one point to try to go back to the playground. And, since his Kindergarten class has 20 students, one teacher, no aides, she's moving him so he doesn't have a beeline to the door.

He got the teacher that came to our Child Study Team conference, which is good. She talked with me a bit after the Meet & Greet, told me about him trying to leave and expressed some concern over his immature grip, she verified with me that they thought he didn't need OT for that, and yes, of course, when he was with the OT he held his marker the correct way, well, once he was verbally corrected. I advised his teacher that we were getting him evaluated by CHOP and she is more than willing to work with us. She is a wonderful teacher and very open to our input on what she can do to make it easier for Len, which is great. I'm going to be keeping in touch with her a lot this year, and try to figure out what helps Len so we can get a plan in place for him that will follow him and make his school life easier.

We will be going back to school on Tuesday, so hopefully he will get into the swing of things and the routine will help him. He tends to be a little better when he knows what to expect, but, well you never know with him.

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