Kid Jedi loves Lego bricks, and I mean loves them, he would play with them all day and night if we let him. Until the last few months though, he would ask for kits, his Daddy and I would build them with him and he'd proceed to tear them apart within days, sometimes hours. Well, since our collection is getting large, I decided that we should go through the pieces to the kits and rebuild the ships. This process has actually been going on for about a month.
I don't actually have any before pictures of this, but sad to say, this is where I am after putting all the remaining pieces into kits again.
What I discovered in doing all this is:
1. We have a lot of kits.
2. We need a good system for storing pieces and keeping kits together or we will be replacing kits.
3. We need to get said system in place ASAP because...
4. We will be getting lots more Lego kits/bricks in the future.
5. If we are going to keep kits together we may want to buy duplicate kits so Kid Jedi can use the pieces to build his own creations too.
This is what I tackled this week, check out more tackles at 5MFM.