Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tackle it Tuesday - miscellaneous changes

With all the changes that we have happening here, there's a lot going on. So, my tackle is more of a to do/done list than one task.

Yesterday we signed Kid Jedi up for Karate which was recommended by the Child Study Team to help him focus, but in the evaluation, of course, he got distracted by the mirrors and ran around so he could see himself run and almost couldn't get signed up because he wouldn't refocus. So, we're hoping that he will pay attention in class and stay on task, otherwise we'll be looking for something else for him to do.

I have another yard sale this Saturday at the campground my parents stay at during the summer, so I'm getting lots of stuff together, I already sent down 2 totes full of baby toys, books, other baby equipment with my sister, and I'm working on getting more together, and though we could use the money to help pay down our credit cards, anything that doesn't sell is getting sent to VVA for a donation. We really need to get rid of the clutter in the house.

I have some more baby blankets and burpies to make, I may sell some of them at the yard sale, depending on if I can get them made.

And lastly this week I'm getting all my paperwork in for substituting. I was approved by the board, had an interview with the Junior/Senior High School yesterday and picked up my transcript, I am getting my fingerprinting done today and then I just have to get my drug screening done and go to the Dept. of Health to get my PPD/Mantoux test done.

Good bye clutter, hello freedom!!

This is what I'm tackling this week, let us know what you're tackling and head on over to 5MFM to see what other Mom's are doing.

1 comment:

Buffie said...

Wow. You've been busy. Great tackles.