Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sick boy

OK, I know I haven't posted in forever, but I really have a good excuse, though they all are anyway. My wonderfully precocious 4 year old started preschool last Monday (9/8) and come Wednesday when he went on his own, well I had to talk to his teacher when I went to pick him up b/c he didn't want to do anything he was supposed to, all he wanted to do was play, oh and eat his snack. Friday he did better, Monday he did well until snack time - it was a birthday and the Mom brought in ice cream. Not a big deal you say, well that's because your child doesn't projectile vomit after eating anything with milk. He's lactose intolerant. Anyway, apparently he wouldn't accept a substitute and the teachers wouldn't give him the ice cream so he had a melt down (and what kid wouldn't) and the rest of the day was bad. So we were all prepared for today to be a really good day until....

The sore throat started at dinner time.....

The cough that kept us up all night and finally...

The fever he's now running!!!!


They told me it would happen, but I didn't expect it a week into school. Anyway I do have some pictures of what I made last week, a layered black bean enchilada in the crockpot and pizzas, and I will post them. Maybe tonight, but it depends on when he goes to sleep since he decided to fall asleep for a nap around 5:15 and just woke up at 7.

Off to play nursemaid and decide what I am going to cook tomorrow, because I am going to cook...and blog!!!

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